Darina Schartman is Rotary member since 2020 and with her enthusiasm and commitment to our club and work, she has demonstrated her commitment to support her community and certainly create hope in the world.
Darina Schartman is a CEO of the "Schartman Group", solution-focused coach and a special teacher, who focuses on supporting teenagers, school-teachers, entrepreneurs and abuse victims to find hope, safety and harmony that will help them heal and develop their full potential.
During the 2023-2024 election year, our Club will continue promoting inclusivity, diversity and leadership through various workshops and lectures during regular meetings. We aim to give members tools and knowledge to understand and manage different perspectives, cultures and experiences and educate them on the importance of respecting and encouraging differences and acting with integrity and ethical responsibility. Community service is our main priority, and as we specialize in leadership, the focus of our work will be on empowering young leaders through various programs, such as RYLA.
Darina Schartman
RC Stockholm Global City President 2023-2024